Showing 49–60 of 139 results

Increases hatchability, Increase eggs production, Feed and drug toxification, Control of early chick mortality, Heat and vaccine stress inhibitor

Dina Renal is strongly indicated for nephritis, kidney and liver disease detoxification, water, belly, dehydration, stress conditions in imbalance feeding, heat stroke & transportation, kidney insufficiencies.

Provides minerals, vitamins, essential amino acids and ensure the demand of growth and increase resistance.

For the treatment and control of internal (gastrointestinal and pulmonary nematodes) and external parasitosis  

Treatment of respiratory infections and digestion by bacteria susceptible to doxycycline and colistin.

Treating diseases of digestion infection and respiratory infection caused by sensitive bacteria with doxycycline and gentamicin.

Gastrointestinal and respiratory infections caused by doxycycline sensitive micro-organisms.

Treatment in respiratory, urogenital, and other infections caused by bacteria sensitive to Oxytetracycline, especially in fever and pain

- Treating poisoning from algae. - Deposited mud, reducing lubricity and scum of the ponds.

For treatment of gastrointestinal, respiratory and urinary tract infections caused by Colistin and Enrofloxacin sensitive micro-organisms

Gastrointestinal and respiratory infections caused by enrofloxacin sensitive micro-organisms

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