Showing 37–48 of 130 results

For treatment of gastrointestinal and respiratory tract infections caused by bacteria susceptible to chlotetracyline.

Treatment and prevention respiratory tract infection caused by E.Coli

Poultry for medical and preventive purposes in diseases in bacterial etiology, their active agents are against gram positive and negative bacteria

For treatment of gastrointestinal infections, respiratory infections, urogenital infections, local inflammations and secondary bacterial infections

Prevention and treatment for fish diseases: ulcerate disease, white skin disease, white spot disease, lernaeosis, viscid slip disease, ...

-Destroy viscous weeds, foxtail weeds in ponds to control filamentous algae. - Treat high density of algae in shrimp ponds especially blue algae.

- Destroy viscous weeds, foxtail weeds in ponds to control filamentous algae. - Treat high density of algae in shrimp ponds especially blue algae.

Treatment of cattle with respiratory and digestive tract diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to danofloxacin.

Diclazuril is an anti-coccidiosis product used for the prevention and treatment of coccidiosis in poultry

Increases hatchability, Increase eggs production, Feed and drug toxification, Control of early chick mortality, Heat and vaccine stress inhibitor

Dina Renal is strongly indicated for nephritis, kidney and liver disease detoxification, water, belly, dehydration, stress conditions in imbalance feeding, heat stroke & transportation, kidney insufficiencies.

Provides minerals, vitamins, essential amino acids and ensure the demand of growth and increase resistance.

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