Showing 13–24 of 45 results

In combination with anti-infective diseases for the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Prevention and treatment of diseases caused by calcium deficiency, anemia, paralysis in cattle and poultry.

For prevention and treatment of calcium and magnesium deficiency and metabolism disorders in cattle.

For the prevention and treatment deficiencies of these elements in cattle, horses and poultry

Treatment and prevention respiratory tract infection caused by E.Coli

Diclazuril is an anti-coccidiosis product used for the prevention and treatment of coccidiosis in poultry

Provides minerals, vitamins, essential amino acids and ensure the demand of growth and increase resistance.

For the treatment and control of internal (gastrointestinal and pulmonary nematodes) and external parasitosis  

Treatment of respiratory infections and digestion by bacteria susceptible to doxycycline and colistin.

Treating diseases of digestion infection and respiratory infection caused by sensitive bacteria with doxycycline and gentamicin.

Gastrointestinal and respiratory infections caused by doxycycline sensitive micro-organisms.

Gastrointestinal and respiratory infections caused by enrofloxacin sensitive micro-organisms

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